Eu Yan Sang Gold Label Bak Foong Essence (6's)


New product

FREE! 1 bottle of Bird's Nest Collagen Chia Seed worth $8.45.

Traditionally used for promoting of female wellness, maintenance of health and nourishment after childbirth, now in a easier to consume format. Halal and Vegetarian friendly.  

  • General Health
  • Regulating Menstrual Ailments
  • Malnutrition after Childbirth
  • Easy To Consume
  • Vegetarian Friendly
  • Certified Halal

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Brand: Eu Yan Sang

Delivery Method:
  • Local Delivery (Singapore Only)
  • Self-Collection @ Level 01-06 (Thomson Medical Centre) FREE
  • In-Room Delivery (For Thomson Medical Centre Patients Only) FREE
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Each bottle 50g contains:

Fructus Jujubae 1000mg
Fructus Rubi 1000mg

Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 916mg

Radix Astragali 916mg

Rhizoma Atractylodis 633mg

Poria 496mg

Radix Angelicae Sinensis 490mg

Rhizoma Curcumae 478mg

Rhizoma Cyperi 477mg

Radix Polygalae 456mg

Radix Paeoniae Alba 401mg

Herba Lycopi 342mg

Herba Leonuri 321mg

Rhizoma Chuanxiong 321mg

Fructus Ligustri Lucidi 247mg

Radix Scutellariae 240mg

Fructus Amomi 240mg

Radix Rubiae 229mg

Radix Ophiopogonis 224mg

Herbal Cistamches 204mg

Radix Panax Ginseng 204mg

Semen Lini 129mg

Cortex Cinnamomi 123mg

Cortex Eucommiae 83mg

Mel 1g

Brown Sugar 1g

Sugar Water 37.83g

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